
With half a century of expertise behind it, the laser industry in Vilnius is renowned for delivering innovative solutions to the likes of NASA, CERN, and companies such as IBM, Hitachi and Toyota. And the sector continues to grow and innovate, with Lithuanian lasers products being exported worldwide.  

Laser sector companies in Vilnius

Source: Lithuanian laser association, 2019

15% growth

In the last five years

Source: Lithuanian Laser Association, 2021

Over 1000

Specialists employed in the sector

Source: Enterprise Lithuania, 2020


Of production is exported

Source: Lithuanian laser association, 2019

Over 60

Countries where products are exported

Source: Lithuanian laser association, 2019

Laser sector achievements

  • One of the most powerful laser systems in the world SYLOS, which began work at Hungary’s Laser Research Centre in 2019, was built by two major Lithuanian laser manufacturers Ekspla and Light Conversion. 
  • The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) incubator in Vilnius is the first of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. 
  • 90 out of Top 100 universities in the world (QS Ranking) are using Lithuanian lasers and laser systems. Lithuanian laser products are used by NASA, CERN and world-renowned companies like IBM, Hitachi, Toyota and Mitsubishi. (Source: Invest Lithuania, 2019)
  • The local laser sector generated around 1% of the world’s laser revenues of €13.8 billion in 2018. (Source: Lithuanian laser association, 2019) 


  • Lithuanian laser association brings together 40 institutions and enterprises for the development of photonic and laser technologies in Lithuania.
  • Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics aims to provide support services to organizations active in the field of applied research and experimental development.
  • Laser & Engineering technologies cluster LITEK specializes in manufacturing and development of world-class laser and engineering technologies by carrying out joint R&D&I activities.
  • Vilnius University is one of the leading scientific institutions involved in the development of laser technologies in Vilnius, housing Laser Research Center of Faculty of Physics at Vilnius University.
  • Naglis Vilnius University Laser Research Center provides access to their research and development resources and state-of-the-art laboratories with wide range of laser systems to business and researchers.
  • The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) incubator provides employees of businesses that are based at the Sunrise Valley access to CERN research centres and technical assistance and consultations. 
  • The Center for Physical Sciences and Technologycarries out world-class applied and fundamental research and technological development. It also facilitates the advancement of scientific knowledge and provides a wide array of innovative technological services and solutions for the high-tech industry. 
  • Northtown Vilnius is a public institution developing modern infrastructure and providing specialised consulting services for innovative businesses. It provides specialised innovation support, incubation and acceleration services, promotes business and science partnerships, and more. 

Some of the Companies Based in Vilnius 

Brolis Semiconductors
Eksma optics
Integrated Optics
QS Lasers

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