We invite you to join “VILNIUS IS MY CITY,” an international community festival! This vibrant event aims to foster a fusion between the international community and locals, showcasing Vilnius as a city with an open minds. 

On 24 August, Vilnius is my city Fest will bring the whole city and its visitors to their feet. We invite organisations, businesses, governmental and non-governmental bodies, communities and individuals to come up with their own ideas - to create a festival together. Whether it's ice cream or doughnuts, karate, yoga, tennis, or the international food - contribute in whatever form you prefer and don't miss the chance to become a Vilnius is my city Ambassador. 

We will include ideas that are in the spirit of the festival in the festival programme, where they will be available to all visitors. If you would like to participate, fill in the partner form below before August 9. 

If you have any further questions, contact us by email: [email protected]  

Partner form (Vilnius is my city)