Uncovering Jewish heritage
Žydų St. is quiet these days, so it’s difficult to imagine that it was once one of the most vibrant of the city’s arteries. In a 1633 document, Ladislaus IV Vasa granted Jews the privilege of establishing their own quarter in Vilnius. The Great Synagogue and the Matas Strašūnas Judaistic Library stood in this quarter, and Elijah ben Solomon Zalman (the famous Talmudist known as Vilna Gaon) also lived here. The streets were filled with markets, restaurants, bars, and shops in the 17th century.
Today, there are no signs of the Great Synagogue, which was able to host about 3,000 people at a time, or of the smaller synagogues around it. A map of the Little Ghetto established here during the Second World War also bears witness to the Jewish story. However, a Jewish atmosphere, prosperous craftspeople, and lively individuals are now returning to the Glass Quarter.
If you look closely, you’ll see that the buildings retain the aura and memory of the quarter. For instance, the building with a rotunda at the beginning of Gaon Street marks the symbolic entrance to the quarter. With each step the past merges with the present, acquiring new forms worth exploring.
Traces of Judaism are discovered in street stories and titles, restaurant menus, jewellery symbols, and art galleries. Even graffiti on the walls of the quarter reflect the impressions contemporary artists have of the old Jewish Quarter.