Nationwide Lockdown as of 7 November

A three-week nationwide lockdown will be intorduced as of 7 November. Some businesses will have to halt or reduce their operations, tighter infection control measures will be enforced.

From 7 November, 2020 to 28 February, 2021 there will be no indoor or outdoor commercial or non-commercial cultural, entertainment or sporting events, except high-performance sporting events without spectators. 

Visits will be banned to cultural, leisure, entertainment and sports establishments and no physical services will be provided to visitors, except libraries, high-performance athletic training. 

Catering facilities will not be allowed to serve customers on site, but they will be able to provide takeaway food. This will also apply in the case of restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs and other places of entertainment, also gambling houses and betting outlets.

Points of sale and service will not be closed but they will have to ensure 10 sq. m. market space per visitor, or one visitor served at a time. The requirement to ensure 10 sq. m. market space per visitor will also apply to the territories around the grocery stores, supermarkets, marketplaces and other public points of sale.

There will be no gatherings in public places for groups of more than five people, except for family members, observing in all cases the distance of at least two meters from other people or groups of people. Protective equipment covering nose and mouth (face masks, respirators or other equipment) in public places is mandatory.

Passengers on public transport will have to travel seated at least a meter apart from one another. 

State border crossing will continue restricted: entry of foreigners will be exempted only in the cases provided for in the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

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