Make the most of your trip to Vilnius!Have fun,discover,and save more withtheVilnius Pass. Even if you'reonlytakinga short getaway,theVilnius Pass willgiveyouexclusiveaccess tosome of the best parts ofLithuania’scapital.
The benefits of having the Vilnius Pass
Free city tours and a coffee to make your stroll through Vilnius more enjoyable.
Free access to museums to experience more
Discounts at more than 60 popular spots around town
A meeting with a local to discover some of the city’s best-kept secrets
How it works:
Download the Vilnius Pass app.
Choose a card type: 24/48/72 hour card or a 72-hour card with free public transport.
If you have a physical card, sync it with the app.
Sync multiple cards so you can explore the city easily with your travel buddies.
To activate the card, scan your QR code in the app when you use it for the first time at a museum or on a tour.
Keep track of when the card expires.
To make use of special offers at restaurants, shops, galleries or adventures, use the app to confirm that your pass is still valid.
Order the Vilnius Pass in advance and activate it once you arrive.
What's New
Keep an eyeout forupdates. We're always looking fornewways to maketheexperienceevenbetterfor Vilnius Pass holders. Get the latest version for all available discounts, featuresand improvements.