Monument to Zemach Shabad

In short

In 2007, a sculpture was erected to commemorate the legendary Jewish doctor Zemach Shabad, who was often referred to as Doctor Aiskauda.

This doctor worked with many organizations that helped people get back on their feet.

This unique personality has done so much for the region of Vilnius, which is why the people erected a cosy monument to him in the Square of Ghetto Victims, symbolising his dedication and friendliness.

The monument reflects the special attention the doctor paid to children by depicting Shabad talking to a girl who holds a cat in her arms.

The monument to Zemach Shabad is highly respected to this day, as he often helped the poor who did not have the money to go to the doctor. If you want to thank him for his kindness, visit the work of sculptor R. Kvintas.

Brief History

Z. Shabad was also known outside of Vilnius – he interacted with European intellectuals like Albert Einstein and was familiar with Joseph Piłsudski and Antanas Smetona. The doctor was a Polish senator and truly represented the interest of the people: he wasn’t a Zionist, an extreme left-wing politician, or an ultranationalist of any state. His motto was equal rights for all people. During the Lithuanian-Polish conflict over Vilnius, Shabad publicly expressed the view that Vilnius should belong to Lithuania; probably because he believed it was in the best interest of the city’s inhabitants.

Shabad died on 20 January 1935 from a blood infection after accidentally injuring his leg. On the day of his death, Jewish shops, organisations and banks closed for business. Both Polish and Lithuanian leaders sent letters of condolence, and about 30,000 people attended his funeral. The doctor is buried in the Jewish cemetery in the district of Šeškinė. A monument was also erected in the courtyard of the children’s sanatorium he founded. The inscription reads "Doctor T. Z. Shabad – great friend of children."

Dysnos g. 2A, Vilnius 01135Google Maps

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YIVO Quarter

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