The city has a total green space of 61% of which trees cover 48% of the city.
Acording to the WHR this is the city of happy citizens with 98% that are happy to live in Vilnius.
One of the fastest growing cities in the region & economies in the EU with 600,000.residents
100 remote solar power plants will power more than half of all schools and kindergartens.
95% of residents live within 300 m of greenery.
Sustainability in Vilnius is more than preserving green spaces and nurturing biodiversity in Vilnius. The walkable city maximizes modern solutions to remain open, innovative, and bold to experiment. Sustainability is being vowen into the urban fabric of Vilnius, starting from switching to renewable energy in transport, heating, ending with forward-looking urban planning, envisioning city and streets, open to pedestrians and bicycles. Savor the benefits of slow living at every step by enjoying delicious meals made from locally grown organic products, moving around the city without leaving a carbon footprint, getting to know nature, looking for souvenirs, and experiencing a high quality of life.
A sustainable way of life is encouraged here – from buying local products and living organically to participating in environmental cleanup events or swapping items with like-minded people.
Vilnius offers fresh, seasonal cuisine, with its four Michelin-star restaurants showcasing local ingredients. Farmers' markets brim with fresh products, perfect for omnivores, vegans, and vegetarians alike. Enjoy coffee-to-go from local cafés and refill your water bottle at the city's free water stations while exploring
The Tourist Information Centre invites you to use the AI robot to get personalized itineraries online. All publications are digitized and freely available to everyone in different languages. By purchasing a Vilnius Pass, you can also receive discounts and free entry to various locations in Vilnius.